Hotel Metasearch for Independent Hoteliers

Almost 1 in every 2 travellers (47%) will use metasearch engines to compare hotel prices online, according to a recent survey. Metasearch websites provide hotel brands with an opportunity to fight back against the all-mighty Online Travel Agents (OTAs), by driving consumers to branded websites for direct bookings, at potentially higher margins.

However, research shows most hotel businesses are still ceding this important channel to OTAs. In its latest e-guide, HotelREZ Hotels & Resorts dives into the topic of travel metasearch and provides hoteliers with some valuable insights.

Download this e-guide to learn

> How metasearch engines work

> Who the biggest players in travel metasearch are

> Who are the travellers booking on these websites

> Tips for hotels on metasearch marketing

HotelREZ Hotels & Resorts

HotelREZ Hotels & Resorts provides distribution, revenue, sales and marketing services and consultancy to independent hotels and small hotel groups around the world.


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